On Christmas Eve we always go over to my Grandma's and spend time with dad's side of the family. With his two brothers & their kids & their kid's kids it gets a little crazy, but I love it!
Meet Merik (not really positive that's the correct spelling): My cousins Courtney's second child and let me tell ya I could take pictures of him ALL DAY. This boy knows how to work it.
It was a good Christmas Eve.
Then I fell fast asleep & it was Christmas! Favorite presents: new vera bradley wallet with a print not even in stores yet, i pad case, photojojo things, post secret book, camera strap with my monogrammed name in it, glee season 1, greys seasons 1 & 2, custom reeboks, & my uggs of course.
My kitties came & joined in the fun, little did they know I had gotten them a Christmas outfit for the event *insert two very unhappy gatos here.*
No cats were harmed during our Christmas fun.
Then we got down to it and tore into paper, fought ribbons and wrappings, and cut up taped boxes. My daddy got his Kindle & a lot of clothes that he was determined all went together nicely (they didn't) and mom's favorite present was her new gold watch band. She's had her watch for as long as I've been alive (hint: 20 years) and so I guess you could say it was a little worn down since she wears it every day & night.
It was the best Christmas to date I think.
(but I think I say that every year)
Then it was off to the ranch for the day. My Uncle Ricky & cousin Mauri were there to get their hunt on and they sure did! Driving in we saw this awesome hawk, I pulled an illegal U to go back take a picture
Photo credit to Nick Fordyce, Driving credit to me.
Then Dad Nick & I drove around the ranch being careful not to "scare away the deer" and we came upon mister armadillo! Dad tried to catch him, not as easy as it sounds. Then the boys checked out a feeder & decided it was only the best plan to set it off and they probably could have caused some serious injury to themselves but they thought it was hilarious after it finished shooting corn at them.
Also my cousin was successful in the hunting department! **If you are the faint of heart or you are some animal activist against swatting flys I apologize please skip over this texas nonsense*