and here are some pictures since they are worth 1,000 words
Ok, so now that you are filled in on that whole thing (hopefully) I went to a "tea" the other day. A tea. I realize you probably don't know me very much but I am NOT a tea kind of girl, like, at all. So I was not too thrilled to come back from my days at the ranch all for a "TEA", but thank god I brought my camera because the house made me melt. Hey, they didn't say "high society" for nothin'.
it's winter people I'm sorry, but CC can't be pretty all the time
the tea was for coronation & they had some old crowns & things there
and the poodle just looked to regal to pass up
AND the owner of the house was jewish. I'm Christian and couldn't really tell you anything about the religion, but I thought it was cool and refreshing to actually see a house without a Christmas tree and see how they celebrate. Her decorations were AMAZING
I hope you all had a very magical New Years. I've never really done anything all too exciting on New Years Eve but this year Nick & I went to a debutant party. It was so fun and over the top I absolutely loved every minute of it & felt FANTASTIC the next day.
Coming Up Next: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico!