Blognation, this is going to be rough, there are so many things that happened and events that were underway, I have no idea how to make this very pleasing to everyone, but I know that some people have been wanting to know what all coronation is. I also know that some people could care less, if this is you don't bother reading this because it's not short.
Anyways, here it goes... Coronation...
Event 1: Cocktail Party @ The Yacht Club
The cocktail party was the first event my parents, Nick (my escort), and I went to. It was just for the families, escorts, and girls. In summary pictures were taken, great food was gobbled up, and lots of chit chatting about how excited everyone all was. Looking back I can't really tell you much about this besides that there were so many events and everything happened so fast that all I remember is being overwhelmed and excited for the days to come with my great group of girls & guys!
Event 2: Rehearsal
Rehearsal was absolutely grueling, all the way downtown, bright and early, and trying to get every piece of my outfit there was tough. This is when things kicked in; 'wow this is really all for me, it's finally my turn to do this'. I have been watching the most beautiful sweet and smart girls do this ever since I remembered and all I could think was, man I am so old! Rehearsal was LONG. Like, ridiculous, the poor escorts were trying to behave and the girls were trying to make it to their hair appointments on time as Las Donas made us practice our bows, walk, waves, etc over and over again. I kind of loved this part though because I got to find out what all of the girls trains, themes, and outfits were!!
putting on head pieces at 8am
the stage
Nick having to hold my carry (he wished it was more manly)
The queen and princess
Event 3: Coronation
After doing hair and makeup I was back to get put into my dress and nervously wait with all of the girls. We got to ooh and aah over girls jewelry, makeup, and hair while we waited and crammed in a lot of informal photos. Then the first group of girls were called downstairs as the rest of us nervously talked about whatever to pass the time. I tried to mentally block that I was about to do this, I am SO not a stage or crowd person. Then we got called and waited in our numerous holding cells before getting our trains attached to us. I can not tell you how many times each girl was constantly practicing her formal bow over and over desperately trying to reassure themselves they had it down before going in front of all friends and family to display their dress to everyone. Suddenly I was on deck talking with a woman of las donas reminding me last minute details as my stomach was up in knots and I was thinking 'why the hell did I sign up for this?!', but the show went on and the lights hit me and I heard my parents scream my name. I can't tell you much about what I did on stage I hardly remember. I think my brain shut off in a fit of extreme nervousness. I remember seeing my mom and dad all teary eyed, waving, meeting Nick in the middle of the stage... and then... bowing. I remember stepping up and hearing the announcer announce "her grace Amy Marie of the house of Urban" and me thinking 'this is it, no more practices, how am I going to recover if I fall' as I stepped away from Nick, and then suddenly everyone was applauding and I HAD DONE IT. I think I held my breath the whole time, literally. As I took my position on stage with the other girls and waited for the last couple of girls to display their dresses I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable with how heavy the dress was digging into my shoulder, but I loved it and I remembered once again why I did it.
some of the escorts!
Event 4: Cocktail after party
After the presentation we went to a huge ball room where we got to converse with everyone in the audience and show off our dress up close & personal. I hugged just about every family member and family friend known to man. There were so many people that I ran out of time and didn't get to see everyone! But I loved visiting and got in trouble for not going back into the dressing room in time.
Event 5: Kings Breakfast
Kings breakfast is just the kids involved in coronation (girls & escorts) party at the town club. We have drivers and can party for however long we want. With unlimited amazing food and an open bar we took on the night with a 'the pressure is off' mentality. We had a great band that sadly I can't remember the name, and everyone danced and had a blast. Limos took us all home at the crack of dawn, the royal wedding of princess catherine was on when I came home.
Event 6: Ladies Luncheon
The luncheon was way too early after the shinanigans of the night before. Every girl was looking rough, but we put on a brave face for the ladies of las donas and our family & friends for the lunch. The country club did a great job with decorations and food. All of the girls trains were there so the ladies could see them up close and my dress makers came by!! I was glad to see my cousins and some friends I hadn't seen in forever. It was hard to have a good conversation with everyone after coronation because there were just too many people so I was glad I got the time then to talk with everyone.
Event 7: Kings Ball
After the luncheon I had to get my hair and makeup done again. I was terrified to mess it up so I couldn't nap after. We went to the country club to get back in our dresses yet again and prepare for the night ahead. I had heard that kings ball was the most fun, but had extreme doubts because of how fun kings breakfast was. I was totally wrong, it was SO FUN. Kings ball is what they like to call a "mini coronation" you still display your dress to everyone minus the stressful bow and after that you party down with way too many open bars and multiple bands for the night. I would explain it like a wedding reception, more intimate and not as formal as the actual wedding, everyone getting way too drunk and dancing all kinds of crazy in their fancy dresses. After I displayed my dress and train I got to change into just a formal gown for the party part of it. The band was possibly the best I ever heard and it goes so long into the night that they serve breakfast towards the end!
Event 8: Parade
I was extremely thankful that the parade was in the evening and I got to sleep in before the parade. The parade is great because people who were not invited to coronation or didn't want to buy a ticket got to see all of the girls for free! All of the Corpus community camps out on the route for days to see the parade. The parade is full of some different sights lemme tell ya, from low riders to high school bands, to our floats, to horses and clowns it's definitely entertainment for all. The fun thing to do for the parade is to wear crazy shoes under your dress and everyone yells "show me your shoes" on the route so your have to show them off. Definitely a lot of smiling and waving, the poor escorts had to walk the whole way and protect our float from crazy gang fights, no joke. Our parents were all in front of the art center towards the end of the however many mile parade route and they whooped and hollered and had tons of fun. After, we were dropped off at the art center for the farewell fiesta.
Event 9: Farewell Fiesta
Our farewell fiesta got kind of screwed by how long/late the parade went, but we got to eat mexican food and change out of our dresses for the last time! It was very bittersweet I don't think I could have physically taken any more events, but also I was sad that it was over. Our dresses and trains stayed at the art center for the Robes Display.
Event 10: Robes Display
The Robes display is after coronation and has nothing really to do with us and more of our the art appreciation of our dresses and trains. It is held for a month and open to the public so everyone can come and see all of the outfits and enjoy them.
Now that coronation is over, I can honestly say there probably isn't a cooler more exhausting experience than this. I know it's not for everyone, but because of the deep family tradition rooted in it I appreciate it and love it. I have grown up looking forward to when I was going to be one of these girls and now I have and it was everything I was imagining it to be and more! The dress will eventually fade and age, but the memories will last a lifetime!
**-Pictures not taken by my are stared under it